Sunday, October 28, 2007

Peer feedback Form


Presenters:_____________________ Topic:________________ Date:___________
Presenters' questions:
Rate the speaker on the following categories:
The opening:Did it attract your attention? _______ Was it on the subjects? _______
Needs improvement
very good

Comments: ___________________________________________________________

The organization: Were you able to follow easily? _______ Did the speaker develop ideas smoothly? _______
Needs improvement
very good

Comments on the organization:___________________________________________________________

Use of support: Did the speaker choose effective and clear examples? _______
Were there enough of them_______? Were the speaker's arguments logical and relevant?_______
Needs improvement
very good

Comments Use of support:___________________________________________________________
Language: Was the language clear, easy to understand, at the level of the audience?
Needs improvement
very good

Comments language:___________________________________________________________
Overall Presentation:Did the speaker speak slowly and clearly?___________________
Did he/she make eye contact and use nonverbal communication?______
Needs improvement
very good

_____Preparation (make sure equipment work in advance),Content (focused, informative, detailed explanation and elaboration)
_____Organization (present information in logical sequence which you can follow), Critical thinking /creativity (original ideas/questions raised/evaluation)
_____Eye contact/body language, Delivery (clear pronunciation, fluency, no misspellings/grammatical errors, maintain the interest of the audience)
_____Visual aids (use visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation), Time management (pacing, too short or overtime)

Strengths: (What was the strongest element of this presentation?_______________________________
Areas for improvement: (What elements require improvement?)_______________________________
Total: _______
Source: Strategies for Academic Communication

Presentation guideline

PPT Files of Student Samples : No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 5 No. 6

Reading Presentation
You are asked to do a reading presentation based on a particular theme of each unit we are on. As with any academic project, you will have to do appropriate research, narrow down your theme, create clear and correct text, organize your material, and document all information from sources.

Before your presentation:
Copy a class set of peer feedback form for your classmates
Hand in PowerPoint printouts/research materials if available (optional).

In the presentation (3 minutes for each presenter )
Greeting/Introduce yourself/Introduce your topic/ Purpose/ Body/ Conclusion
The introduction:
The introduction to your presentation must gain the interest and attention of your audience as well as provide the specific purpose of your speech.
1. Greeting: welcome remarks, self-introduction
Example: Good morning, everyone. My name is ______. This morning I am going to be presenting to you about ______. (objective)
2. Talk about which page #, and which part you are presenting from the textbook
3. Talk about TOPIC and TOPIC SENTENCE
The body:
The body of a presentation contains your main points and supporting material from the article you researched. For your audience to comprehend and retain your major points, you need to organize your material in a straightforward manner.
4. what the reading is about. (CONTENT) USE YOUR OWN WORDS. DO NOT READ THE PARAGRAPH.
5. what your classmates can learn from this reading. (SO WHAT)
6. Make some questions about the reading to your classmate.
7. Raise some points for your class discussion.
The closing:
1. Summary of your essay
2. Conclusion
3. Q & A session
4. Final greeting

After your presentation:
Collect all the peer feedback form in class.
Sum up all the comments on one page and give it back to Alice and fill out self evaluation form the following week.
In order to deepen your learning experience and think creatively in any topic, you should go beyond simple information recall and give personal responses and interpretations of a given topic, which are to serve as a basis for discussion.

Use PowerPoint effectively
PowerPoint is used for the audience to look and follow your talking, not for the audience to read your written notes.
You need to use charts, arrows and graphics to explain your well-organized ideas logically.
1. Is your font too small?
2. Is your font’s color too light?
3. Are there too many colors on your texts?
4. Do not give a full text on the PowerPoint . You need to either outline or summarize your materials.
5. Write your texts on a CLEAR background. Can your audiences be able to read your texts on the PowerPoint?
6. You either read your texts on PowerPoint first and then summarize your talk.
We can NOT read and listen to your talking simultaneously.

Every member of your group will speak during the presentation in order to get individual grade.
Please do not keep the whole class waiting for you to fix the machine or your file.
Visual aids are encouraged to use for presentation (V-8, slides, props, posters, sound effects, art work, and costumes). Please feel free to email me or talk to me during the break if you have further questions .

Chinese -10%
Outline + References 5%
Organization + Content 5%
Visual aid + ppt + script 5%
Timing +Peer evaluation +classmates’ involvements+ self evaluation 5%

Total 20%

Lip Sync
Before the presentation
Sign up and prepare for your Lip Syncs.
Select a video clip/DVD (soap opera, movie, advertisement, news…) segment and get approval from ALICE (your instructor). Do not use VCD because it doe not have English subtitles.
Rehearse your presentation and get familiar with your scripts , and practice your pronunciation, intonation and emotion

In the presentation .
You have 3 minutes (more than 2 minutes and no more than 5 minutes) for your lip-syncs.
introduce the roles and characters you are playing.
make sure you can catch up your pacing with the subtitle.
No Chinese during your presentation


Introduction (video clip)
Pronunciation /intonation/emotion
Creativity+ Performance
5 %
Visual Aid

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sophomore English 2 syllabus

WELCOME TO English II Course Blog

I would make course materials available online as I have time to upload them. You can access the syllabus and class handouts here. If you'd like to request certain kinds of materials or have any questions or concerns throughout the term, please do not hesitate to send me an email and schedule an appointment with me or leave a message if you have questions about your English assignments.I look forward to our classroom experience. Have a great semester!

陳玫蓉 rAlice Chen
A1 Mon 1 2
B1 Mon34
C1 Wed1 2
D1Wed 34
In this course, it is designed as a bridge to the world of content listening, speaking and reading . Listening is an active process that involves predicting, guessing, interacting, risk-taking, clarifying, questioning, and responding.
In this course, it is anticipated that you will:
sbe able to make assumptions or predictions based on a listening activity for this level .
sgain confidence in ability to speak English .
spractice speaking tasks used in the university classroom such as asking and answering questions, explaining and clarifying points, and participating in and leading discussions.
Improvement in fluency and pronunciation depends largely on the students' commitment to the course. Students will be expected to work individually as well as cooperatively with classmates in pairs and small groups. Tasks will probably be taped (audio or video) and analyzed to build an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of the students' speech.
sDirect Approach- use more target language (English) less Chinese in class, pictures, paraphrases, gesture, or body language, avoid translation
sAudio-Lingual Approach- use sentence patterns to practice which is students need operant conditioning and behavioral modification to learn English
sThe Communicative Approach -Students need to express their interpretations, ideas, and intentions, that is, they must learn the meanings that are important to them.
sCooperative Learning- pairing, grouping
The textbooks, video, audio, course web, PowerPoint, and Internet will be used to present listening and speaking strategies. Students will do activities such as Pair work, Group Discussion, role play, lip syncs and Presentations
Listening for gist, purpose, main idea, inference, intonation, stress, and phonemic distinction, Prediction, Brainstorming, Personalizing, Practicing, Discussing, Role-playing, Cooperating, Peer Evaluating, and Assessing
sSUMMIT 2 by Joan Saslow and Allen Ascher
sCambridge Dictionary Online:
sMerriam-Webster Online:

Regular attendance participation is obligatory. Tardiness of 20 minutes or more will count the same as an absence. Students are expected to arrive on time and remain until the class is dismissed. Students who leave class early will be counted as absent for that class meeting. Tardiness and absence will lead to a poor grade for attendance accordingly. Absence is never an excuse for coming to class unprepared. Leaving class early without a sound reason will be treated as being absent. Students who are absent or do not participate in the class will have 5 points subtracted from final semester grade for each class or class activity missed. If you are absent from 4 or more than 4 classes you will not pass the course.
Your final grade for the course will be based on attendance and active class participation as well as presentations, and test results as shown below:
Lip Sync
Participation + Quizzes
Midterm =reading 15% + listening 15%
Final = reading Presentations 20 % + listening10%+ reading 10%
Exam format:
40% Questions from the textbook .
20 listening questions, recorded by native speakers of English, are multiple choice questions in the format of statements, short dialogues, and long dialogues. The teacher only plays these 20 questions once.
No late homework will be accepted. When you cannot attend class, please ask your classmate to turn it in for you. Also, NO CREDIT will be given for homework finished during class meetings.
¨ No make-up quiz, midterm, or final exam will be given unless the instructor is notified ahead of time.
¨ To pass this course, you will need to receive at least a 60% minimum score.
Students must:
attend weekly class meetings. If you must miss a class, please talk with the instructor in advance or send an email.
Do preview the contents and review.
participate in classroom activities (question and answer, discussion, role play)
turn in assignment on the due date by placing it on the instructor’s desk before class.
It is a common understanding that students should spend at least approximately one to one and half hours per week for study outside of class. Please do prepare for class (i.e., preview and review, thoroughly study the lesson, look for new words and find out the meanings in the dictionary, memorize vocabulary).
All quizzes and examinations (midterm and final) are obligatory. The tests will be given on the assigned days only. No requests for taking the tests before or after the set date will be honored without a valid excuse or documentation.
Be prepared: write down the names and phone numbers of classmates to call with questions about missed classes.
Lack of honesty in the classroom is considered a very serious offense. Any form of cheating on tests, plagiarism, talking during tests, furnishing false information to instructors, or knowingly misrepresenting oneself to the College is grounds for disciplinary action. The consequences of cheating are severe and may include the possibility of expulsion.
Please turn off your pager and cell phone while a class is in session.
· Food, and sodas are not allowed in the classroom in the Lab at any time.
Changes to the syllabus: All changes will be announced at least one week in advance. While the weighting of individual assignments may be altered, the overall 100 points total and grading scale will remain the same.