Sunday, October 26, 2008

English 2 C1 D1 2008 Fall Midterm Study Guide

Fall Midterm Study guide
Downtown campus

BSP209 64 C1 - 8:20 am November 5th 5311

BSP209 70 D1 - 10:15 am November 5th 5311

Main Campus

BSP20932 C1- 3:40 pm Novermber 5th G102

NOTE:The classroom door will be locked right after listen exam begins.The door will reopen once the listening exam ends. Please DO NOT knock the door and disturb the exam session.

Unit 1-Unit 3 page 31

Exam TypesListening Questions 20

Part I. Question/response #1-6

Part II. Short conversation #7-14

Part III. One passage & one long conversation # 15-17; #18-20

Reading Questions 22

Part 1 Read two fables Q1-Q7Part 2

Read two articles about dreams come true Q8 -22

Summit 2 Listening Script:unit 1unit 2unit 3 (download files in one compressed file

Level 1 Sample ListeningTest

Part 1 Directions Question 1
Part 2 Question 7~9

Part 3 DirectionsQuestion 15~17

Part 3DirectionsQuestion 18~20

Here is the link to the listening exercises.,12387,3595510-,00.html

Good Luck with your midterm exam !

English 2 A4 B3 Midterm Study Guide

Listening and Reading Midterm Exam
Course code Time Date Classroom
BSP209 51 A1 - 8:20 am 11/ 3 5311
BSP209 58 B1 - 10:15 am 11/3 5311

NOTE:The classroom door will be locked right after listen exam begins.The door will reopen once the listening exam ends. Please DO NOT knock the door and disturb the exam session.

Exam Types

Listening Questions 20=10%
Part I. Question/response #1-6
Part II. Short conversation #7-14
Part III. One passage & one long conversation # 15-17; #18-20
Listening Script:
unit 1-21-41 CheckPoint
unit 2-2 2-32 CheckPoin
unit 3-13-2

Reading Questions 20 = 10%
Unit 1 to Unit 3 page 31
Text completion #1-10
Reading comprehension #11-20

Good luck !

Monday, April 7, 2008

English Language Support Programme

SCU English Proficiency Test on May 12


■ 中文說明檔 請按我下載
■ 試題檔案 請按我下載

Time:100 minutes

50 Reading questions
15 questions (1) complete sentences
25 questions (2) comprehension questions
10 questions (3)Clozes

40 Listening questions
14 seconds to answer each one
(1) 25 short dialogues
(2) 3 long dialogues or 3 lectures

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring 2008 Midterm Exam

Schedule and Study Guide

Summit 2:(download files in one compressed file/整批下載
unit 6unit 7unit 8

Spring English 2 Midterm Exam Schedule and Study Guide
Midterm exam 30%== listening 10% + Oral 10%+ reading 10%

Course code Time Date Classroom
BSP209 51 A1 - 8:20 am 4/21 5311
BSP209 58 B1 - 10:10 am 4/21 5311
BSP209 64 C1 - 8:20 am 4/23 5311
BSP209 70 D1 - 10:10 am 4/23 5311

NOTE:The classroom door will be locked right after listen exam begins.The door will reopen once the listening exam ends.
Please DO NOT knock the door and disturb the exam session.
Exam Types
Listening Questions 20=10%
Oral + Reading = 20%

In the oral test, there are 3 main topic questions.

You will read the questions on the slides and answer the questions by using the vocabulary you learn from Unit 6,7 and 8.

Your utterances and answers will be scored when you use the new expressions from Unit 6,7 and 8.

Procedure- During the test you need
Greeting: Hi Miss Alice
Self-Introduction: My ID number is__, and my seat number is ___( 2%)

2. Answering Questions (6%x3)

There are 3 parts of questions of the speaking test. You will have 30 seconds for each part to read and answer the question.
Note: prepare and complete your talk in 30 seconds

In part 1 you will read a question about your own personal experience, and have 30 seconds to respond to the question. (Give a topic sentence and a example to support your main idea)(6%)
(Example: Discuss and talk about some of the kinds of hassles that occur when people travel. Talk about some ideas that might help in dealing with that problem. )

In part 2, you will discuss some topics or explain some expressions you’ve learned from this class, or you will need to discuss your own opinions about the questions.This part is to test your critical thinking.(6%)
(Example: What expression to describe a talent when a person can balance his/her own check well? Do you have this type of talent? What other talents do you have? )

In part 3, you will talk about the readings on unit 6 and 7, and respond to what you comprehend in the text.(6%)
(Example: On page 83, you read about "The Childhood of Sigmund Freud", What type of family did Sigmund Freud come from? What effect did Sigmund Freud have on the twentieth century? How do you think his early environment affected his success? .....)
Good luck!

No School on April 14

4/14(Mon.) 因碩士班考試試場所需,

Monday, March 3, 2008

unit 6 Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences / If-Clauses Type I, II und III
Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences.

Conditional Sentence Type 1
→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
more on Conditional Sentences Type I

Conditional Sentence Type 2
→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.
more on Conditional Sentences Type II

Conditional Sentence Type 3
→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.
more on Conditional Sentences Type III
Sometimes Conditional Sentences Type I, II and III can also be used with other tenses.
more on Conditional Sentences used with other tenses
Exercises on Conditional Sentences
Conditional Sentence Type 1
Exercise on If Clauses Type I Level: elementary
Exercise 2 on If Clauses Type I Level: elementary
Conditional Sentence Type 2
Exercise on If Clauses Type II Level: lower intermediate
Exercise 2 on If Clauses Type II Level: lower intermediate
Conditional Sentence Type 3
Exercise on If Clauses Type III Level: intermediate
Exercise 2 on If Clauses Type III Level: intermediate
Mixed Exercises on Conditional Sentences
Type I or IIExercise 2Exercise 3 Level: lower intermediate
Type I, II or IIIExercise 2Exercise 3 Level: intermediate
Fairytale “The Cat and the Mouse” Level: intermediate
Exercise on “New Orleans” text Level: intermediate
Exercise on If Clauses Type I with Auxiliaries Level: intermediate
Exercise on If Clauses Type IExercise 2 Level: upper intermediate
Exercise on If Clauses Type II Level: upper intermediate
Exercise on If Clauses Type III Level: upper intermediate
Tests on Conditional Sentences
Conditional Sentences Type 1 Level: elementary
Conditional Sentences Type 1 and 2 Level: lower intermediate
Conditional Sentences Type 1, 2 and 3 Level: intermediate
Conditional Sentences Type 1, 2, 3 and Exceptions Level: upper intermediate

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spring 2008 English 2 Presentation Guidelines

A memo for your off-campus Interview-recording Project

Chinese -5%
Script 5%
+Content 2%
Total 10%

Finding your interviewees:

  1. A foreigner who comes from a different culture and is willing to do the interview with you in English.
  2. Approach your potential interviewee politely (self introduction) and explain the purpose and objectives of your Interview-recording Project clearly. Your objectives are to explore more about cultural differences and language learning experiences.
  3. Make sure that your interviewee consents to do this interview recording for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Ideally, each one of you is expected to generate at least three minutes of interactive conversation with your interviewee.

Be Prepared to start your interview. Please think of the following questions:

  1. What questions are related to the chapter you are assigned?
  2. Are your questions culturally appropriate?
  3. How do you elicit your interviewee's response without causing offensive feelings?
  4. How do you clarify what you meant if your interviewee doesn't understand you?
  5. How do you clarify the doubt that arises in your conversation?

Prepare and check on your recording gadgets:

  1. Power check. (Are the batteries for your recorder fully recharged?)
  2. Volume test
  3. Pause and noise check.

While doing the recording:

  1. Briefly give an opening introduction of yourself and your interviewee. As group cooperative work, each one of your may be in charge of two to three questions. Don't forget to introduce yourself and greet your interviewee before you ask questions.
  2. Ask follow-up questions to deepen or continue your conversation. They are based on the answers given by your interviewee. From this part, I'll see your sound interactions and understanding with your interviewee toward the whole recording process.
    Control your time.
  3. Finish your Q and A in time. Do not "drag" the whole interview process.
  4. Show your PowerPoint with the transcript of your interview contents.
  5. Explain the processes
  6. Briefly talk about your reflection of this project
  7. Turn in Self evaluation form and peer feedback form.

Radio Drama

students' samples


Chinese -10%

sound and voice quality +content 2%

Pronunciation+intonation + background questions 5%

Creativity+ Performance 2%

Visual Aid 1%

Total 10%

Group up and prepare for your Radio Drama.
Find out the radio drama scrip from Schedule.
Listen to it for 5 times and practice it for 10 times and tape record it.
You have 5 minutes for your Radio Drama.
On the day you present, your voice will be played and you will perform on the stage by
using body language to demonstrate your drama .
At the end of your drama, please make up some questions about your drama to your audience.
If you are absent or late for your presentation, you are not allowed to do it.
No Chinese during your presentation

Feel free to contact Alice if you have further questions about your street interview and radio drama.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


網路時代,只要在網路搜尋引擎Google鍵入關鍵字就能輕易查到相關資料,英國布萊頓大學媒體研究教授塔拉.布拉芭蓉便形容Google 是「心智的白麵包」,但她也指出,網路正製造出一個仰賴不可靠資訊生存的學生世代。
卡拉芭蓉指出,艱難的問題能從Google找到簡單答案。但學生無從分辨這些答案是來自嚴謹的期刊論文或者只是粗淺的概念,Google 的資訊包羅萬象,但未必是有營養的內容。
布拉巴蓉的疑慮與《業餘愛好者的教派》(The Cult of the Amateur)一書的作者安德魯.基恩的看法不謀而合。基恩痛批「線上業餘主義」,他在書中寫道:「現今媒體正在把這個世界撕碎成十億個個人化的真理,每個都看似合理而且等值。」
資訊易得 學生不作過濾

迴響: 凌健
由國際教育評估協會(IEA)主導的促進國際閱讀素養研究(PIRLS),台灣排名 22,遠落後於排名分居第2及第4 的香港及新加坡,在華人地區敬陪末座。專家認為,可能和台灣傳統語文教育方向和國際不同,及沒有獨立的閱讀課程節數有關。調查發現,台灣學生很少為了興趣而課外閱讀。學生都把閱讀當成是學校的功課,被逼著去做,所以跟其他國家的學生閱讀習慣不同。
香港於2002年首度參加閱讀素養調查時,成績也很差,但他們隨即改變語文教育模式,加強現代通俗文章的閱讀教育,學生一學期要讀2、30 本書,教法完全不同。以前學校閱讀能力,是用閱讀報告來看,現在改做閱讀檔案,可以演戲、做廣播劇、即興劇、辯論等來評量終於在這次調查時交出亮麗的成績來。

Thursday, January 10, 2008


電子雜誌只能在Internet Explorer裡使用,FireFox 的不能用。

使用對象 :東吳大學本校教職生。
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瀏覽器proxy 的設定方法
ADSL(固定IP)Cable Modem, 區域網路IE
鍵入您的電子郵件帳號與密碼。學生:**電郵帳號**91學年前(含91學年)電郵帳號格式,第一個字母需去掉加上小寫u,即學號91123456,則電子郵件帳號為 u1123456。92學年後,電郵帳號即為學號,即學號92123456,電子郵件帳號為 92123456。
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